Park Ridge Animal Hospital
Wellbeing Services
Park Ridge Animal Hospital

It is a council requirement that all cats and dogs are microchipped by 12 weeks of age.
A microchip is the most effective form of identification for your pet. As tiny as a grain of rice, a microchip holds a number exclusive to your pet. The chip is implanted under the skin in between your pet’s shoulder blades and remains there for life. It’s as simple as getting any other injection and only takes a few minutes.
The unique microchip identification number is recorded on a database registry along with your contact details so your pet can be reunited with you at any time of the day or night should they go missing.
As well as this, we have our own pet identification system. Please ask a staff member for information about this free and easy service that we offer our clients.

Prescription Foods
Our knowledgeable staff can assist you find the best dietary solution to maximise your pet’s potential for a healthier future.

Hydrobaths are available at Park Ridge Animal Hospital every Saturday morning from 8.30 – 12noon.
The cost is $20 and includes:
- Bath
- Dry
- Ear Clean
- Nail Trim
These appointments are very popular so please make sure you book your appointment early.

Professional Dog Grooming
At Park Ridge Animal Hospital, we are proud to offer our very own Grooming Salon – “Shaggy Dog Doos” which aims to keep your pet looking (and smelling!) their best.
You can expect our salon to be run to the same high standard as our Veterinary Hospital and can rest assured that your pet is in the most capable of hands. Nurse Deanne, our resident groomer, is highly experienced and can not only give your pet their desired doo, but can also coordinate your pet’s grooming needs with their veterinary care upon request. Cat clips under safe sedation are also on offer at the hospital.
Grooming is available every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and availabilities fill very quickly, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Puppy Preschool
The most important part of a puppy’s life is socialisation – this means with other dogs of all shapes and sizes, breeds and creeds. Our Puppy Preschool is run by 2 very experienced Nurses, Kirsten and Deanne, on Monday and Wednesday evenings from our Park Ridge Hospital. The course runs for 4 weeks and is designed for you and your family to learn how to care for your puppy and to teach basic obedience in a friendly, fun loving environment.
Due to the rapid physical and most importantly, mental growth of puppies of all breeds, age restrictions do apply to our classes. Puppies must be 8 to 12 weeks of age at week 1 and have already received their first vaccination.
Please call Park Ridge to secure your puppy’s place in our next class.

Canine College
We are proud to have the space and outdoor facilities at our Park Ridge Hospital to provide our Puppy Preschool Graduates with the next step in their obedience training, through Canine College.
Available for all dogs over 20weeks of age, canine college obedience classes are perfect for all those who wish to resolve behavioural issues or simply wish to bond more with their canine companion on a weekly basis.
Developed and run by an external Master Trainer, classes cover loose-lead walking, sit-drop-stay on command and the all-important come-when-called using gentle, positive and highly effective training techniques to help create a strong healthy bond with you and your best friend.

Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday Friday: 7am–8pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 8am–7pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am–6pm

Our Address
3626 Mt Lindesay Highway (Service Road),
Park Ridge, QLD, 4125
Book an Appointment
Park Ridge Veterinary Surgery
(07) 3800 1378