Park Ridge Animal Hospital
Pet Diagnostic Services
Park Ridge Animal Hospital

Digital X-Ray
Our state of the art digital x-ray technology is housed at our Park Ridge Hospital, with Browns Plains patients awarded complimentary transfers with our veterinary team. With only 4km between our facilities, prompt patient transfer and imaging is prioritised.

Ultrasound Examination
Ultrasound examination is non-invasive procedure that has become an integral part of veterinary medicine. Ultrasound allows for an incredibly insightful window into your pet’s internal organs (including liver, kidneys, bladder, uterus, intestines, heart etc.), enabling us to provide prompt diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment for your pet. We can even diagnose pregnancy and estimate litter numbers too!
Our ultrasound imaging suite is located at our Park Ridge Hospital, with Browns Plains patients awarded complimentary transfers with our veterinary team. With only 4km between our facilities, prompt patient transfer and imaging is prioritised.

In-House Laboratory Service
We offer both in-house and laboratory pathology services.
Our Park Ridge Hospital is fitted with multiple blood analysis machines with full access to our Browns Plains patients. With only 4km between our facilities, prompt transfers of patient bloodwork is prioritised.
Both of our facilities have a microscope to examine urine, skin scrapings, ear swabs and more. This quality in-house equipment allows us to analyse samples from your pet within our very own hospital, enabling faster results and treatment for your pet.
If more in depth testing is required, we will send your pet’s sample on to a specialist laboratory. We will discuss the results with you once they return from the specialist lab.

Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday Friday: 7am–8pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 8am–7pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am–6pm

Our Address
3626 Mt Lindesay Highway (Service Road),
Park Ridge, QLD, 4125
Book an Appointment
Park Ridge Veterinary Surgery
(07) 3800 1378